

      Drugs are quite an interesting topic. kinda controversial too. well i have no problem with drug use. drug abuse exists and i don't agree with that. there is a certain point where drug use is bad. like when you smoke everyday and all you really talk about is getting drugs and when you will get your drugs in the next few days. i myself use drugs. in the time that i have used drugs i have used weed (of course who hasn't), LSD, XTC (ecstacy), shrooms, opium, morphine ( including other numerous pain killers), speed, and cocaine. but now that list has shortend to LSD, XTC, shrooms, and speed. i stopped using other drugs because of their adverse side effects. i try to stay away from anything that you need to smoke to take or anything of that nature. i don' t like cocaine because its addictive and it screws with your nose, and i just happen to like my nose the way it is. there are few drugs that i would never touch, but i had to name a few it would be heroin and crack, its just too nasty and ghetto white trashy, its not really my thing.


      Lsd is one of the drugs i use most frequently. lsd is an amazing thing. pure liquid concentrated insanity. lsd is the only drug that i have thought that i would never make it through the experince. the first time i tripped was about 1/12/98. i had tried to get acid before but i had never succeded. i had never seen it before, nor did i know what to expect. but anyway the first time i acctually got acid was one night that i spent out at a freinds house, i told my father that i was gonna spend the night on my freinds boat ( he lived on a boat at that time) but i really went to another freind of mines apartment with the freind i was supposed to be staying the night with. so we went over there and got settled in by smoking about a dime each. it seemed to last forever, we kept smoking the roach of the roach. after we were all incredibly toasted, the guy with the apartment left to go somewhere (to pick up the acid, he need to sell so he could pay his rent) i didn't know where at the time. after about an hour he came back with 2 sheets of paper acid, there were pictures of pyramids with eagles in front of the pyramid. so we all called them flying pyramids. soon after he got back a few people we all knew can over, they were a couple of hippy chicks. we all decided to take a little bit i had about fifty$ on me so i bought 10 hits, (remeber i was blasted from the weed) i took all of them. it was strange chewing a wad of paper that big. i remember the taste was horrible. my freind winn ( the boat guy) took two. alan the one who's apartment we were at took clippings from the side and liz and lola ( the hippy chicks) took the rest of the clippings. oh yea and one other person was there lauren, this girl said she was staying at my girlfreinds house but came out with us that night too. she dropped 6. i notticed that about half an hour later my energy went through the roof, before i was about to go to sleep enjoying the waves of stonnedness but now i was buzzing like fool. shortly after my world got really strange, the walls were breathing and every once in a while there was a vortex that would crawl across my vision. this was all very new to me, i had never expected this but i was completly at home, i knew this i had been here before. its hard to remember what happend completly from about then on, but i remeber lauren wasn't doing so hot. she ended up having a bad trip, while we were all in our own little world exploring the "new apartment" she said she was gonna take a shower. we all thought she was gonna take her clothes off and take a shower but no not in this reality. she just turned on the shower with all of her clothes on and just sat at the bottom of the shower. she cam out about 15 min later and sat in my lap getting me completly soaked. no one else really cared or knew what happend but i felt sorry for her because she was really a sorry state. lola was comletely immersed in the music and the big red puppet that was hanging from the celing. it looked like it was smearing blood across the house. alan wasn't really "here" he was staring into the sink and liz was playing with a zoobtoob(some shit that makes strange noises). winn was truely enjoying himself drawing on the pizza box. later on in the night lauren was in the back room calling for shazi ( my girlfreind) and making strange noises. we all tried to calm lauren down but we couldn't so we went back out into the living room. liz and lola had to leave about 5:00am because they had sailing lessons. about 30min later winn went running out the door because he heard the ambulance and thought that liz or lola were hurt and he was gonna help or something. we (alan, lauren, and i) went out side to try to see what was going on but we ended up getting locked out side. winn had already left but alan, lauren and i had gone out without our shoes and some of our clothes. i tried to tell alan what the situation was but he couldn't help. every time i said "hey alan we are locked out side", he would reply "whoa no way!!!". i tried asking about 10 times but i got the same thing every time. finally i asked him if he knew anyone in the apartment complex or if he had given anyone a spare key. he pointed down the hall to two pug dogs. that didn't make any sense but i asked them anyway and knocked on their door. alan then asked why was i talking to dogs. about this time i ran behind the stairs and was very upset. i thought i was going crazy the world was never like this and it was hard to deal with. i tried to kill my self by pulling on my jugular vein, but it didn't work. so i thought about calling the cops from the pay phone down the street and telling them to make it stop, but i didn't think that the cops would do anything about it because of all the paper work. after a while i found a way in by pulling apart the windows and sliding in. i knew we had to get out of there so we tried to put our shoes on for about an hour and went to duncan doghnuts but ran out shortly after because everyone was looking at us. so we went to burger king and bought food but we couldn't eat any of it so we made food castles and left. nothing too interesting happend after that so we all went home. i went to sleep that night after all of the voices talked me to sleep and woke up the next day still tripping just as hard as i had the night before. it took three days for that shit to get out of my system. i had to try to talk to my anal father which was not fun. during the course of my first lsd experience i saw some of the most beautiful things i could never describe, i thought thoughts that i would have never even begun to be able to explain but they were surely there. ever since my first trip i have seen things differently which isn't that bad of a thing. i would definatly recomend acid to anyone unless they have some sort of mental illness. heh. since that night i have tripped over a hundred times, in school, at home, and anywhere i could bear it. i now feel i know acid.